
Posts Tagged ‘Non-scale Victory’


Starting Weight: 330 pounds


Weight Last Week: 304 pounds


This week’s weigh-in: 305 pounds


Can you say Aunt Flo? Don’t you all feel so privileged that I keep you up-to-date on my cycles?


I thought you might.


And in the famous words of Forrest Gump, “That’s all I have to say about that.”


By the way, I didn’t post this yesterday because I had not weighed in, but for the month of September I only lost a little over a pound. That makes me so sad. I lost and gained the same couple of pounds all month long.


Today is a new day though, and it’s time to step things up a notch. I’ve got a big surprise in store for you tomorrow that’s going to help me do just that.


The Chick Magnet weighed in this week at 253.6 this week. So he lost nearly 15 pounds during the month of September (and 2.6 pounds this week!). It’s almost embarrassing how much better he is at this than me! Not that I am competing or anything. Because I would never do that. Because I’m a good wife and I support and love my husband at all times.


Some of my non-scale victories (NSV) this week include:

  1. Wore a pair of pants to church today that I don’t think I will be able to wear again. I had to hold them up with one hand while carrying chicklet #4 up the stairs today because they were literally falling off of me.


Uh, yeah, that’s all I can think of.


That’s the truth.


How was your weigh-in this week? Any new goals for next week? Did you have any YET” moments?


D0 you have a recommendation for a good scale? I’m in the market for one. I had to keep replacing the batteries in my old one (just bought a few months ago) every month and have replaced it with a cheapo rotary one.  Would love to have a digital one, but want it to be reliable of course.



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Starting Weight: 330 pounds


Weight Last Week: 306 pounds


This week’s weigh-in: 304 pounds


Can you hear the Hallelujah Chorus? Because I sure can!


I have to say I was pretty surprised that I lost, and 2 whole pounds at that! I’m proud of that 2 pounds and very thankful because I know with my recent lack of motivation and intentional indulgent eating for The Chick Magnet’s last week with us, it could have been so much worse.


I think the difference for  me between keeping it together enough to lose 2 whole pounds or me just falling completely off-the-wagon is that my attitude towards food has totally changed in these last few months. You all are well-aware of the fact that things have been especially tense and emotional around here these past few weeks. In the past, circumstances like the ones I am facing would have led to an all-out binge and would have ended with me a crumpled mess filled with self-loathing.




Oh, I’m so glad there’s a yet, aren’t you?


Just a few short months ago I would have gone to any lengths to defend and justify emotional binge.


“Well, look at all I have to go through. I DESERVE this dessert.”


“Well, I already went over my calories for breakfast, now my whole day is ruined. May as well follow it through and eat whatever I want.There’s no point in even trying anyway.”




Okay, that last one may still be true and a completely valid justification.


But the rest of it? Hogwash. I am done with that junk. I am done believing lies. I am done hating myself with food. I am done seeking comfort in a place that was never meant to comfort. That’s my yet.


Did I allow myself to have some treats last week? Absolutely. Did I indulge in some of The Chick Magnet’s favorite desserts? You better believe it. Did I feel guilty about it in the morning? No way.


Why? Because I knew it wasn’t the end all be all. I knew just because I enjoyed some good food with my husband it did NOT mean I failed. In fact, just the opposite was true. The fact that I was able to enjoy those things guilt-free, and start new the next day without giving it a second thought? V-I-C-T-O-R-Y




I mean, seriously, I passed the 25-pound milestone! How can I be disappointed with that? I did that. I have worked for every last ounce of that loss, and I have worked hard! I own that baby! I know I have so far to go, but I am choosing today to focus on how far I have come.


And The Chick Magnet? You won’t believe it. This morning he weighed in at 256.2. The last time I posted his weigh-in (3 weeks ago) he was at 264.3. So in the last 3 weeks he has lost a total of 8.1 pounds. And do you remember he started out at 307 pounds? That means he has lost more than 50 pounds!!! In three months!!!


Yep, he has a yet too! So proud of my man!


Some of my non-scale victories (NSV) this week include:

  1. Totally rocked a pair of jeans at church today. Can’t remember the last time I wore jeans. And I never wear them to church. But today I wore them just because I could.
  2. Later, I was able to take those same jeans off without unbuttoning or unzipping them. I think it’s time for some new jeans-don’t you think?
  3. My kids are all still alive and relatively healthy. That counts for something after my first week alone doesn’t it?
  4. Bough The Chick Magnet some new jeans tonight. In a size 36!


That’s the truth.


How was your weigh-in this week? Any new goals for next week? Did you have any YET” moments?


P.S. The winner of the Daily Feats Gift Card Giveaway, as chosen my random.org was comment #13. I removed the comments by The Chick Magnet and me.

I would like to work more everyday, that probably sounds crazy but freelance writing isn’t very lucrative when you first start :) Then again I can’t complain too much, I get paid to sit in my pj’s, as I cuddle my kids, and write (and learn) about all kinds of stuff.

Congratulations Heather-watch your e-mail!


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Starting Weight: 330 pounds


Weight Last Week: 305.3 pounds


This week’s weigh-in: 306 pounds


Well, drat! There is just not much to say about that. I hate that I gained.


BUT, there were a couple of mitigating factors. Not excuses though. The first was that my batteries went out on my scale as soon as I stepped off of it. So I am hoping maybe it was in the process of dying and was not entirely accurate. The Chick Magnet tried to weigh-in and was unable to just a few minutes later.


The second factor would be every woman’s favorite monthly visitor. Just a forewarning, for any guys who happen to read this blog (all two of you ;)), I plan on doing a post on this soon.


Each month, for the last three months, every time I have had a weigh-in on the same week as I have had my period, I have had very poor results on the scale. I know there is a connection. I just want to do some more research so that I can beat Aunt Flo at her own game.


At any rate, I felt like I worked really hard last week so I was quite disappointed with the results on the scale. I know the scale isn’t everything but when you weigh as much as I do it really needs to be going down every week.


However, I did have progress in other areas last week. There is hope for me yet.


Some of my non-scale victories (NSV) this week include:

  1. Keeping up with September’s challenge. I can tell I am getting stronger.
  2. Got my wedding ring off! Not that I was in a big hurry to do so but the fact that I am ABLE to is a big deal.
  3. My sister has been losing some weight too and gave me some of her old clothes. They were mostly size 18s and I thought there was no way I would fit into any yet. But for our date night the other night I tried on one of the shirts, an 18/20, and it fit! And I looked quite cute if I do say so myself. I should have taken a picture for you.
  4. After wearing my shirt for date night, I wore it to church on Sunday and had at least 5 people tell me how great I looked. There is nothing more motivating!


Sorry, there is no Chick Magnet update this week since he wasn’t able to weigh-in. We are hoping to get a new scale this week since we have to change our batteries in our current one about every other week. That’s what I get for buying a fancy shmancy scale.


That’s the truth.


How was your weigh-in this week? Any new goals for next week? Did you have any non-scale victories? Share in the comments!

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Starting Weight: 330 pounds


Weight Last Week: 306.4 pounds


This week’s weigh-in: 305.3 pounds


Hooray! I am VERY happy with a 1.1 pound loss. I wasn’t sure I would even get much of a loss and was fearing a gain, so I am going to count this as a small victory.The 200s are in reach and I can feel it!!!


I just wonder what would happen if I really gave 100%. It’s not that I go into a week thinking I am going to give a half-hearted effort. It just seems that life get in the way sometimes and at the end of the week I am stuck thinking, “When int he world did life pass me by? Where in the world did my week go? And why in the world didn’t I try harder?”


I know, I know. It sounds an awful lot like I am excuses. And I promised I was done with excuses. And I am. Pinky swear.


So, two weeks ago, my mantra was: FOCUS. Last week, my mantra was: MAINTAIN THE MOMENTUM. This week’s mantra?




Will you all help to hold me accountable to that? Head on over to my facebook page and ask me if I’ve worked out today? Send me an e-mail (fatchickfedup @ gmail dot com) and ask me if I am tracking my calories. Find me on Twitter and give me a kick in the pants if I need it.


I am going to try something new on the blog this week to help with accountability. I thought maybe I would give a short run-down of how my day goes, complete with what I ate and what I did for activity. I would hate to come on here and say I ate junk and didn’t exercise, so I thought it might help me to stay accountable if I give you the details of how I am doing each day.


Tell me what you think though-is that a horrible idea? Would it be terribly boring for you to read that every day? Would you be interested in reading it? It will probably mean that some days I will be doing 2 posts-is that too many?


I have decided to only do my measurements once a month as I think it will be easier to see progress over the course of a month, rather than a week. If you are interested in my current measurements, I posted them on this post this week.


Some of my non-scale victories (NSV) this week include:

  1. Keeping up with September’s challenge. I can tell I am getting stronger.
  2. Only .3 pounds away from my first 25 pounds gone! I guess that is kind of a scale victory, though. It’s fun thinking that I may pass that mark this week!


The Chick Magnet weighed in at 264.3 today. That represents a total one-week loss of 4.4 pounds. He has lost 9.7 pounds in 2 weeks. And he celebrated a milestone this week as well. He passed the 40 pounds lost mark! He has lost a total of 42.7 pounds. How awesome is my hubby?


That’s the truth.


How was your weigh-in this week? Any new goals for next week? Did you have any non-scale victories? Share in the comments!

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Starting Weight: 330 pounds

Weight Last Week: 310 pounds

This week’s weigh-in: 306.4 pounds


Yay!!!! I cannot even tell you how happy I was to see that number today! Most of you are probably thinking if you ever saw a number like that on the scale you might have a heart attack, but I happen to be very proud of that number.


That is what I weighed about a year and a half ago, AT NINE MONTHS PREGNANT! Yes, until today, I weighed more than I did 9 months pregnant with my 4th child. So sad. So to me, not only is this a victory of losing 3.6 pounds this week, this particular weight is a milestone in itself. My next big milestone will be to get back into the 200s (where I was BEFORE I got pregnant). Later this week, I will share how I plan to celebrate that milestone.


Also, I wanted to not only lose the pound I gained last week, but add another pound to that to make up for it. The fact that I lost almost 2 more pounds than I wanted to hopefully shows how hard I worked this past week. I am hoping that my success on the scale this week will carry over into big-time motivation for next week.




This week’s measurements:

Chest: 49.5″

Waist: 49″

Hips: 57″


This week my chest measurement was down by an inch and a half,  my waist measured the same and my hips were down an inch. Not too shabby. I am thinking of only doing my measurements once a month for my monthly update post (which is coming up on Thursday-so stay tuned!). I think it may be more encouraging to see the differences over a longer period of time, rather than week-by-week as there are a lot of different variables that can make them not as accurate (where I hold the tape, water weight, how tightly I hold the tape). The trend should be that they go down over time, but I think it’s hard to see a difference measuring so frequently. What do you think?


Some of my non-scale victories (NSV) this week include:

  1. My clothes are definitely fitting better. The pants I wore to church this morning are getting pretty loose, which is a good thing. They are also one of my favorite pairs though 😦 And until The Chick Magnet starts making a full-time income again, there is no room in the budget for new clothes. But that is a problem I don’t mind having. It will be so fun when I finally do get to go buy new clothes. Although, I don’t plan on spending too long in any one size, so I am sure Goodwill and I will become very good friends.
  2. I am super-duper proud that I pushed past last week’s set-back. In the past something like that would have led to a full-fledged binge, lots of self-loathing and feeling sorry for myself. NO MORE!
  3. The Chick Magnet rocked it this week as well. He is now on the last hole on his belt and has a few pair of shorts and pants that he can pull on and off without even unbuttoning or unzipping them. He really NEEDS that belt! It will be fun getting to go shopping together when we are able.


The Chick Magnet weighed in at 268.7 today. That represents a total one-week loss of 5.3 pounds, AND HE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO EXERCISE THIS WEEK!!! He has less than two pounds to go to have lost a total of 40 pounds! How awesome is that?


Instead of feeling resentful that he lost almost 2 more pounds than I did, with a lot less effort, I am actively choosing to be proud of both him and me. We both did great this week! I am so blessed to have a husband who supports me and who is joining me on this journey.


That’s the truth.


How was your weigh-in this week? Any new goals for next week? Did you have any non-scale victories? Share in the comments!

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(Alternatively titled, “Talk Me Off the Ledge…Please”)


Starting Weight: 330 pounds


Weight Last Week: 308.9 pounds


This week’s weigh-in: 310 pounds


OUCH. For the first time in 8 1/2 weeks, I gained weight. 1.1 pounds to be exact, taking my total pounds lost from 22.1 pounds to 21 pounds. It was bound to happen and honestly, it is not at all surprising, given the week I had.


While a 1.1 pound weight-gain may not seem like that big a deal in the grand scheme of things, it was still heart-breaking for me to see that number today. And trust me, I wiggled and fidgeted and moved around trying to make that scale say something different than it did. But, alas, it was not meant to be. It’s a good thing I know my value is not determined by the number on the scale.


Still, though, it was a tough first for me. It is hard to come here and admit to you that I just didn’t try very hard last week. There is no one to blame but myself because it was solely due to conscious choices I made that I gained. There is just no other way around it.


However, I am now more determined than ever to kick things into high gear in the coming week. I plan on losing that pound and then some this week. I refuse to be defined by such terms as “quitter” and “failure”. Each step in this process is an opportunity for me to grow, to learn more about myself and to experience true change. Including these hard steps-of which this is the first of very many, I’m sure.


This week’s measurements:

Chest: 51″

Waist: 49″

Hips: 58″


This week my chest measurement stayed the same, my waist measurement was down by 1.25 inches and my hips were up an inch. The more I do these measurements the more random I think they are. Granted, if I am making good progress they should be moving in the right direction, but they are also much more subjective than the scale.


Some of my non-scale victories (NSV) this week include:


  1. I had the awesome opportunity to meet my favorite blogger this week (aka Crystal Paine from Money Saving Mom). She was in town this week for a Women of Faith Conference and offered to meet-up with a few of her readers. After she wrote a post about our meet-up, in which she linked to my blog, I have seen a huge increase in traffic. So, if you are new here, thank you! I am so excited to get to know you! While this NSV doesn’t directly relate to my weight-loss, any opportunity I have to build the community here and interact with more of you, is just totally awesome. You all are such a great support and encouragement to me and there is NO WAY I could travel this road alone. I have the best readers!


I am totally bummed that I can’t come up with any other NSVs for the week.


The Chick Magnet weighed in at 274 today. He, too, saw his first gain since we started, .4 pounds. He has much better excuses than I do though. While cleaning out our garage this week, a heavy metal shelf fell on his leg. I would show you a picture of the bruise, but then you might not ever come back. You do know that bloggers have to take pictures of everything, right? At any rate, he has been in quite a bit of pain from it and has been unable to use the treadmill. We would appreciate prayers for him as he heals.


 That’s the truth.


How was your weigh-in this week? Any new goals for next week? Share in the comments!

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Starting Weight: 330 pounds


Weight Last Week: 309.1 pounds


This week’s weigh-in: 308.9 pounds


Well, this is honestly about what I was expecting this week, so while it wasn’t much of a loss I am actually pleased that it wasn’t a gain. At least it wasn’t one of those weeks where I worked really, really hard only to be left wondering why the scale didn’t reflect my efforts. I know that this week was hard with my hubby gone and not cooking my normal foods and not making enough time for exercise. So I know what I need to do to have things go better next week.


Unfortunately, next week I will be traveling, which means I will have much less control over my diet. I will be staying with my parents and I know they will be wanting to go out to eat and things like that. I will do my best to make the best choices wherever I may be. I will also have limited access to exercise equipment/videos and internet as well, for my number one secret weapon. They live in Florida and it is their rainy season but if I can get up early enough I can walk before it gets too hot. The good thing is I have built-in babysitting 😉


There could possibly be a few other factors affecting my lack of loss this week. First, when I went to weigh-in today the batteries had died on my scale so I was not able to weigh at my normal time of day. Have you ever tried weighing yourself multiple times throughout the day? Your weight can fluctuate up and down by several pounds on any given day. I am going to stick with this weight for my weigh-in, but I will try again in the morning and see if it was any different.


I also may have had some issues with water retention this week. And that’s all I have to say about that 😉


This week’s measurements:

Chest: 51″

Waist: 50.25″

Hips: 57″


I was up half an inch in my chest, in my hips,  and  in my waist. How weird is that? I did use a different measuring tape than last week so I’m not sure if that was the problem or not. Weird.


Some of my non-scale victories this week include:

  1. I really struggled to keep my pants pulled up in church this morning. Thankfully, for the sake of everyone else there, I was successful!
  2. More and more people are noticing and commenting on my weight-loss, which is SO motivating


The Chick Magnet was down to 273.6 today. He lost a total of 1.8 pounds this week, which is fabulous considering he was out of town this week, eating out and not able to exercise as much. If he can do it, I can too! So far, he has lost a total of 33.4 pounds in 7 1/2 weeks. How awesome is that? 


 That’s the truth.


How was your weigh-in this week? Any new goals for next week? Share in the comments!

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Starting Weight: 330 pounds

Weight Last Week: 312.2 pounds

This week’s weigh-in: 309.1 pounds


Oh. My. Goodness. Yes, finally! I have finally hit that elusive 20-pound mark! In the last 6 1/2 weeks, I have lost a total of 20.9 pounds. I can’t believe I am less than 10 pounds from being in the 200s again.


It is so weird to me, that I worked so hard the week before last and the difference was negligible on the scale, but then this past week was a bit more rough, yet I had a HUGE, milestone-achieving loss!


If you’ll remember though, last week I had a hard time eating enough calories, simply because of stress. I just wasn’t hungry. I think my body went into starvation mode and started hanging on to that weight, rather than allowing a loss. There must be something to that theory that says you have to eat to lose. I ate very close to my calorie goal all this week, and while I didn’t do a whole lot of exercise, I still saw a good loss on the scale this week. Now THAT’s what I’m talkin’ about! Yeah, baby!


I can’t even begin to tell you how good it feels to be making progress. It’s just so validating and motivating for me. I know the scale doesn’t define me, which is why I didn’t let it get me down last week, but it still feels so sweet when it goes in the direction I want it to.


This week’s measurements:

Chest: 50.5″

Waist: 48.75″



I was down half an inch in my chest and 1.5 inches in my hips (thank you, stubborn hips!) and down three quarters of an inch in my waist. I think this is the first week where I have been down in all of my measurements. I did use a different measuring tape this week because I couldn’t find my usual one (thank you children). I would hope they are both equally accurate but who knows? I’ll take it, though. 


Some of my non-scale victories this week include:

  1. My clothes are fitting better, especially pants, which is great!
  2. The Red Lobster booth success
  3. Not directly related to weight-loss, but since developing written goals for the blog, I have been more focused and been able to do some advance writing and have been managing my time a bit better.


The Chick Magnet was down to 275.4 today. He lost a total of 1.5 pounds this week. Which I think is fabulous as his weight-loss seems to be leveling off a bit. It was a much more healthy weight-loss than last week’s 7.3. The change in him has been amazing. He is looking so fit and trim, fitting into some clothes that haven’t fit properly in a while (while some others are falling off ;)). Good job honey, so proud of you!


 That’s the truth.


How was your weigh-in this week? Any new goals for next week? Share in the comments!

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Starting Weight: 330 pounds

Weight Last Week: 312.5 pounds

This week’s weigh-in: 312.2 pounds


Ugh! Well, suffice it to say, this weigh-in was a HUGE disappointment. I was totally not expecting that. To say this week was hard, would be an understatement, but when I peeked at the scale on Wednesday things were moving in the right direction and I was very careful with my calorie count. I’m not exactly sure what happened, and while I am glad it wasn’t a gain, I still can’t help but be disappointed. I SO wanted to be able to come on here today and say I had lost my first 20 pounds.


I have a couple of theories as to what went wrong this week. First, I could just be hitting my first plateau and need to change up my routing. Another reason could be that it is stress-related. A third reason could actually be  a lack of calories.


While I did have one day where I went over my calories, I had several days this week where I went under. Severely under. I tend to feel nauseous a lot when I experience anxiety and experiencing a job-loss is nothing if not anxiety-producing. Because of that, most days this week I was barely able to consume half my calories (800-900 calories).


Now, on the surface that may sound great that I wasn’t as eating as much. However, I may have done more damage than good by sending my body into starvation mode and causing it to hang on to fat. I will write more about why this happens in future posts.


I am hoping it was one of these things that caused my weight to stall out because any one of them can be a fairly simple fix. So I will make the adjustments I need to make and hopefully next week will be better. One thing is for certain, I am NOT giving up.


This week’s measurements:


Chest: 51″

Waist: 49.5″



I was down half an inch in my chest and one inch in my hips (finally!), but up 1 1/2 inches in my waist. Maybe it was all those crunches! Who knows? I think my measurements can be somewhat misleading because it can simply be a difference in how tight I held the measuring tape or the exact place I measured. They are much more open to error and subjectivity than the numbers on the scale.


Some of my non-scale victories this week include:

  1. My work-outs are getting easier which I know must mean I am getting fitter. I also know it must mean I need to do something to kick them up a notch to get that same level of intensity.
  2. While I have to admit, I have been emotionally tempted to call it quits, I know I can’t do that. I am here for the long haul baby!
  3. This isn’t mine, but The Chick Magnet’s. He had to tighten his belt to the next notch this week. Sweet! Way to go honey!


Speaking of The Chick Magnet, he was down to 276.9 today. That means he lost a total of  7.3 pounds this week. And while I really want to say,  “Congrats honey!” what I am really thinking is,  “What the heck???” Remember, total honesty is what you will get here people! And that’s nothing I don’t say to my honey on a regular basis. It is hard for me that it is so easy for him. But I am incredibly proud of him-he has lost a total of 30.1 pounds so far. I am trying to not focus on the fact that he has lost almost twice as much as I have.


That’s the truth.


How was your weigh-in this week How do you respond when you have a bad week? Are you tempted to give up? Any tips for what changes I should make this week?

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Starting Weight: 330 pounds

Weight Last Week: 315.7 pounds

This week’s weigh-in: 312.5 pounds


One-word: Boo-yah!!! Or is that two words? I lost 3.2 pounds at this week’s weigh-in, bringing my total weight lost to 17.5 pounds in 5 1/2 weeks. So glad to have met my goal of 2 pounds lost this week. Even more excited that I gained some extra ground after last week’s weigh-in. I thought this week would be better and I am so happy that my efforts paid off big-time on the scale!


This week’s measurements:

 Chest: 51.5″

Waist: 48″



I lost another 1″ in my chest (for a total of 2″ lost) and 2 1/2″ in my waist (for a total of 5 1/2″ in my waist).  I am so stoked to see so much progress, not only on the scale, but also in my overall shape.


My hips/thighs have always been a problem area for me, and this time around proves to be no different. I’m not sweating it because I am obviously making some great changes, but I do wish I could figure out how to work that area a little harder to see some change there as well.  Would love any advice any of my readers would have for me for that problem area.


Some of my non-scale victories this week include:

  1. This morning I was able to wear a skirt to church that I haven’t in a while and it was even slightly big around the waist. It is a size 24, and I started out at a size 28. That is thrilling to me that I have changed that much in just over a month.
  2. When we picked our daughter up from camp this week, the first thing she said to me was, “Mom, you have lost so much weight! Your shirt is SO big on you.”
  3. While I did allow myself a treat at the fair this week, I refused to feel guilty about it and built it into my calorie total for the day. I think this week’s progress shows that you don’t have to deprive yourself at all times in order to make progress.
  4. As many of you know, especially if you are a fan on Facebook or follow me on Twitter (you knew I was on FB and twitter right?), The Chick Magnet lost his job this week. This was completely out-of-the-blue and totally rocked our world, especially as a single-income household. I have to admit, I was thoroughly tempted to turn to my favorite comfort, food, to get by. I even went so far as to search the house for chocolate. I didn’t find any and then I was SO glad and proud of myself that there was not a single thing in our house that I could indulge in.


The Chick Magnet was down another 5.6 pounds this morning, bringing his total to 22.8 pounds lost. His reaction to the job loss? Well, besides spending some serious time on our knees in prayer together, he opted to take his aggression out on the treadmill. He is truly my hero and such an inspiration. I am one lucky girl!


That’s the truth.


Did you weigh-in this week? Are you tracking your measurements? Did you have any non-scale victories this week? Do you have any tips for my hips? Feel free to share your progress in the comments.

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