
Posts Tagged ‘Aunt Flo’


Starting Weight: 330 pounds


Weight Last Week: 305.3 pounds


This week’s weigh-in: 306 pounds


Well, drat! There is just not much to say about that. I hate that I gained.


BUT, there were a couple of mitigating factors. Not excuses though. The first was that my batteries went out on my scale as soon as I stepped off of it. So I am hoping maybe it was in the process of dying and was not entirely accurate. The Chick Magnet tried to weigh-in and was unable to just a few minutes later.


The second factor would be every woman’s favorite monthly visitor. Just a forewarning, for any guys who happen to read this blog (all two of you ;)), I plan on doing a post on this soon.


Each month, for the last three months, every time I have had a weigh-in on the same week as I have had my period, I have had very poor results on the scale. I know there is a connection. I just want to do some more research so that I can beat Aunt Flo at her own game.


At any rate, I felt like I worked really hard last week so I was quite disappointed with the results on the scale. I know the scale isn’t everything but when you weigh as much as I do it really needs to be going down every week.


However, I did have progress in other areas last week. There is hope for me yet.


Some of my non-scale victories (NSV) this week include:

  1. Keeping up with September’s challenge. I can tell I am getting stronger.
  2. Got my wedding ring off! Not that I was in a big hurry to do so but the fact that I am ABLE to is a big deal.
  3. My sister has been losing some weight too and gave me some of her old clothes. They were mostly size 18s and I thought there was no way I would fit into any yet. But for our date night the other night I tried on one of the shirts, an 18/20, and it fit! And I looked quite cute if I do say so myself. I should have taken a picture for you.
  4. After wearing my shirt for date night, I wore it to church on Sunday and had at least 5 people tell me how great I looked. There is nothing more motivating!


Sorry, there is no Chick Magnet update this week since he wasn’t able to weigh-in. We are hoping to get a new scale this week since we have to change our batteries in our current one about every other week. That’s what I get for buying a fancy shmancy scale.


That’s the truth.


How was your weigh-in this week? Any new goals for next week? Did you have any non-scale victories? Share in the comments!

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