
Posts Tagged ‘Jeans’


Starting Weight: 330 pounds


Weight Last Week: 306 pounds


This week’s weigh-in: 304 pounds


Can you hear the Hallelujah Chorus? Because I sure can!


I have to say I was pretty surprised that I lost, and 2 whole pounds at that! I’m proud of that 2 pounds and very thankful because I know with my recent lack of motivation and intentional indulgent eating for The Chick Magnet’s last week with us, it could have been so much worse.


I think the difference for  me between keeping it together enough to lose 2 whole pounds or me just falling completely off-the-wagon is that my attitude towards food has totally changed in these last few months. You all are well-aware of the fact that things have been especially tense and emotional around here these past few weeks. In the past, circumstances like the ones I am facing would have led to an all-out binge and would have ended with me a crumpled mess filled with self-loathing.




Oh, I’m so glad there’s a yet, aren’t you?


Just a few short months ago I would have gone to any lengths to defend and justify emotional binge.


“Well, look at all I have to go through. I DESERVE this dessert.”


“Well, I already went over my calories for breakfast, now my whole day is ruined. May as well follow it through and eat whatever I want.There’s no point in even trying anyway.”




Okay, that last one may still be true and a completely valid justification.


But the rest of it? Hogwash. I am done with that junk. I am done believing lies. I am done hating myself with food. I am done seeking comfort in a place that was never meant to comfort. That’s my yet.


Did I allow myself to have some treats last week? Absolutely. Did I indulge in some of The Chick Magnet’s favorite desserts? You better believe it. Did I feel guilty about it in the morning? No way.


Why? Because I knew it wasn’t the end all be all. I knew just because I enjoyed some good food with my husband it did NOT mean I failed. In fact, just the opposite was true. The fact that I was able to enjoy those things guilt-free, and start new the next day without giving it a second thought? V-I-C-T-O-R-Y




I mean, seriously, I passed the 25-pound milestone! How can I be disappointed with that? I did that. I have worked for every last ounce of that loss, and I have worked hard! I own that baby! I know I have so far to go, but I am choosing today to focus on how far I have come.


And The Chick Magnet? You won’t believe it. This morning he weighed in at 256.2. The last time I posted his weigh-in (3 weeks ago) he was at 264.3. So in the last 3 weeks he has lost a total of 8.1 pounds. And do you remember he started out at 307 pounds? That means he has lost more than 50 pounds!!! In three months!!!


Yep, he has a yet too! So proud of my man!


Some of my non-scale victories (NSV) this week include:

  1. Totally rocked a pair of jeans at church today. Can’t remember the last time I wore jeans. And I never wear them to church. But today I wore them just because I could.
  2. Later, I was able to take those same jeans off without unbuttoning or unzipping them. I think it’s time for some new jeans-don’t you think?
  3. My kids are all still alive and relatively healthy. That counts for something after my first week alone doesn’t it?
  4. Bough The Chick Magnet some new jeans tonight. In a size 36!


That’s the truth.


How was your weigh-in this week? Any new goals for next week? Did you have any YET” moments?


P.S. The winner of the Daily Feats Gift Card Giveaway, as chosen my random.org was comment #13. I removed the comments by The Chick Magnet and me.

I would like to work more everyday, that probably sounds crazy but freelance writing isn’t very lucrative when you first start :) Then again I can’t complain too much, I get paid to sit in my pj’s, as I cuddle my kids, and write (and learn) about all kinds of stuff.

Congratulations Heather-watch your e-mail!


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